Flourish@X Health and Wellness Resource Portal
A wholistic approach to student health, wellness and flourishing at StFX. Connect to our mental health, sexual health and medical services, as well as educational resources, online tools and virtual support.
Create an account to understand how your mental health changes over time and access resources to start feeling better.
What Services are Available?
StFX Health+Counselling Centre
On campus medical, sexual and mental health services for students, plus emergency info and contact numbers.
Flourish@X/Bloomfield Hub
The Bloomfield Hub and our Wellness Series programs provide warm and welcoming community spaces for students
Sexual Violence Supports
Visible@X: Sexual violence prevention, education and advocacy
StFX Peer Support Program
Trained peers who provide active listening, safe space, and resource navigation; for students, by studentsCulturally Relevant Supports
Culturally relevant counselling services for students identifying as Indigenous or of African descent
Healthy Minds NS
Suite of free eMental Health resources for post-secondary students in NS