StFX Health+Counselling Centre
On campus medical, sexual and mental health services for students, plus emergency info and contact numbers.
Flourish@X/Bloomfield Hub
The Bloomfield Hub and our Wellness Series programs provide warm and welcoming community spaces for students
Sexual Violence Supports
Visible@X: Sexual violence prevention, education and advocacy
Talk to a counsellor on the phone or via text. Provided by Healthy Minds NS.
Culturally Relevant Supports
Culturally relevant counselling services for students identifying as Indigenous or of African descent
TheU Student Health Benefits
Info about StFX Students’ Union health and dental coverage, as well as My Virtual Doctor service
REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors)
StFX has partnered with REES to provide a secure online platform for reporting sexual violence on campus.
Healthy Minds NS
Suite of free eMental Health resources for post-secondary students in NS
StFX Peer Support Program
Trained peers who provide active listening, safe space, and resource navigation; for students, by studentsLEARN
Additional On-Campus Services
Other StFX departments supporting students (academic; accessibility; diversity; finances; career; residence)
Curated Resource List
Helpful collection of resources on a range of mental health topics for students, parents and faculty
Additional Off-Campus Services
A range of health related services for students in Antigonish and Nova Scotia
Be There
Learn to safely support someone struggling with their mental health
Mental Health 101
Learn the basics of mental health literacy
Break the Silence
Free online training course to help you learn more about sexual violence and how to support someone who has survived it

Online modules, interactive tools, and 1:1 virtual coaching support for mild-moderate depression and anxiety
Connect with others in an anonymous and supportive peer support community. Provided by Healthy Minds NS.
A new app from NS Health to help you navigate health info, book services and discover care options